Thursday 12 January 2012

Hallmonitor Costume Designs

We've not started filming yet as not all of our group are together yet and we haven't assembled all of our costume, to help us with this Andrew sketched some costume designs for us:

We tried to keep the costumes plain and basic and designed them round what we had at home so that we would have no problem with getting them on short notice. They consist of white shirt, tie, black trousers and suit shoes; we decided on this kind of formal dress as it would be the normal for the older years of school to wear.

We've also designed the costumes to reflect the characters, Alex is very neat and tidy and by the book with his short tucked in and trousers pulled up high, however Tom's is much more scruffy (his shirt out and tie not tied properly) as he cares less for the rules and is only interested in doing his job for the extra points. 
Jessie is also dressed very tidily as she likes Alex and so desires his approval and attention.

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